Biden Hasn't Made The World Safer, Chaos Reigns Supreme

Donald Trump was a good leader of an executive branch, but Trump was a clown of a human being and the western world unilaterally saw him as such. So, when Joe Biden ran for President, he made it a point to say that he would restore prestige to the office and make the world respect the United States again. However, while the western world disrespected Trump, America's adversaries were forced to respect the United States if for no other reason than the President of the United States seemed unhinged.
Joe Biden has successfully made America's traditional allies in Europe respect us again, but that's about the extent of the success of his foreign policy. While Biden promised the world would be more stable under his leadership, it's been little else but chaotic.
- Taliban Running Afghanistan
Joe Biden's chaotic reign as President didn't take long to begin. Although Trump may have started the process of pulling US troops out of Afghanistan, the absolute madness of the withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years of nation building and instilling hope and democratic ideals in young people was entirely Joe Biden's responsibility. There was no reason why the Biden Administration could not have delayed the entire withdrawal for several days or weeks or months to ensure a more orderly exit from Afghanistan and give the fledgling democracy at least a better chance of surviving. Instead, they stood back while the Taliban went from province to province while US troops were still in the country with no repercussions. Joe Biden gave Afghanistan and our taxpayer funded weapons to the Taliban. - Russia Invaded Ukraine
Joe Biden actually talked to Vladimir Putin in the days and hours before Russia began their invasion of Ukraine. Whatever Biden told Putin, it did nothing to deter him from a large scale invasion that displaced millions and has cost the world hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides of the conflict. The United States has had the opportunity to end this war fast by supplying Kiev with the weapon platforms it needs and putting military pressure on Russia to respond American and NATO shows of force in the Arctic Sea and North Pacific, but instead, Joe Biden has given them just enough to keep them in the fight and no more. Now with a war in Israel, the drain on American resources to support two allies is going to be especially taxing as China begins to feel more emboldened to act in Taiwan and the South China Sea. Meanwhile, Joe Biden traded a murderous Russian arms dealer in exchange for a WNBA hashish addict who thought it would be a good idea to travel overseas with her narcotics. - China Threatening Taiwan, International Waters, & Even Militarizing Space
China threatens Taiwan regardless of who the President is. This is on the list because the threats have been more escalated than ever before. Massive bomber formations violating Taiwanese airspace, naval vessels practicing blockades, major hacking and unethical spying incidents that Americans are far too comfortable with, letting Chinese spy balloons fly over the United States without contest or serious protest until they cross the entire country, invading international waters and claiming them as their own, and more. China is an enormous adversary of the United States and any hope of reform has been dashed since Joe Biden became president and began cowering to their every demand even worse than Obama did. As a result, China has been entirely unchecked as they continue to develop biological weapons in labs, build illegal airbases on artificial islands in international waters, and begin developing space-based weapons in violation of international law. - Iran is Emboldened
By releasing billions of dollars in humanitarian aid to Iran, Iran now has more money on hand to develop their nuclear program and fund international Islamist terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and HAMAS. - Israel & The Middle East Destabilized
With the United States providing humanitarian resources to the Gaza Strip and the HAMAS dominated government and an outpouring of support from Iran (thanks to the billions given to them for a hostage exchange, and years of compromising with terrorists) and American "allies" like Qatar in the region who didn't fear retribution from Joe Biden for helping HAMAS, the world is witnessing the worst atrocity committed against Jewish civilians since the Holocaust (even as HAMAS' rockets were hugely ineffective at anything besides distracting the IDF); which is still ongoing at this moment! Israel's heavy handed, justified, and necessary response is already upsetting their historic adversaries around the region; many of whom are allied with the United States, making the situation potentially even more dangerous than it already has become. Oh, and those American weapons left in Afghanistan? Guess what? Some of them probably found their way into Gaza.
I understand the conservative desire to isolate, end foreign entanglements, and focus entirely on securing a comfortable living for us in the United States. However, history has shown time and again what happens when America stops actively participating in global affairs. We are called to be good citizens, both in our neighborhoods and communities and in the global community. If you see your neighbor's house on fire or a band of rapists and murderers breaking in; you're morally expected to do whatever you can to stop it. If you can't call the police and have the means, you should help your neighbor protect their home because it makes the entire community safer when people band together. The United Nations is absolutely worthless, so it falls on those of us with the means to help when and where we can to put out small fires before they turn into blazing infernos. Unfortunately, the Trump administration didn't see the world that way, and the Biden administration has put American weapons in the hands of the literal rapists and murderers in Afghanistan, Iran, and now in the Gaza Strip.
The voters of the United States deserve better options than what we had in 2020 for President. Thankfully, Nikki Haley and Mike Pence offer Americans alternatives. Hopefully one of them can manage to win the Republican nomination.