Kevin Tracy
From the Desk of
Kevin Tracy


Put Pressure on Russia For Deploying 97% of its Army in Ukraine

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that 97% of the Russian Army is deployed in Ukraine according to the United Kingdom's Secretary of Defense. If true, that presents the United States, our NATO allies, and others supporting Ukraine with an opportunity to harass Russia and hopefully convince them to redeploy some of those troops out of Ukraine.

Poland, Germany, the UK, and Finland could call up reserves and deploy them in a joint "northern climate training exercise" along the Russo-Finnish border.

The United States and Japan could deploy a sensational number of troops to the Kuril Islands; the ownership of which are the subject of a long standing dispute between Japan and Russia.

The United States could also deploy underwater drones to "clean the bottom of the Arctic Sea" where Russia planted their flag claiming ownership of the North Pole seabed in 2007.

All of these acts would be interpreted as "acts of aggression" by Russia and cause further chaos in the already devastated Russian markets and society while still not rising to the level of "acts of war." The Russian Army would be forced to return some troops from Ukraine to other parts of Russia, especially if the US formally recognized Japan's claim to the Kuril Islands and did a joint combined training exercise there with Japan's Self Defense Forces.

What are the odds of any of this happening?

Considering that the limp-wristed Joe Biden was content letting China collect intelligence, totally unchallenged, in our airspace until he got discovered being criminally derilict of his duties; the odds of us trying to use our influence to pressure Russia into redeplopying troops to other parts of Russia are slim.

What's particularly frustrating is that the United States can EASILY provide the weapons Ukraine needs to end the invasion and devastate the Russian military. However, the Biden Administration has instead decided to provide only enough weapon platforms to prevent Russia from winning, but not enough to actually defeat the Russian invasion and reclaim Ukrainian territory. The war would have been over in less than a year if the US truely helped Ukraine with everything they needed. The continuing stalemate has made Ukraine a vision of hell for tens of millions of civilians and refugees. That suffering is on the hands of the Biden Administration in Washington and the cowards in NATO who have spent much of this war playing both sides.