May 2024 Press Conference

KEVIN TRACY: Good morning! I have a brief announcement and then we'll get right into questions.
It has come to my attention that a few people were upset by the lack of updates provided last month. In particular, the only updates were the April 2024 monthly press conference, my endorsement of Mike Braun for Governor in my home state of Indiana, and the update on my home media server pet project on the 30th of April.
While it's true that I do like to provide more regular content than three new pages a month, it's been difficult given that we built a deck onto the back of our house, have been planning on a shed for the KTracy Palace Garden, I've been trying to finish the KTracy Palace Media Server, and then there was some personal stuff that sucked up a lot of time; which I will hopefully discuss in a tiny bit more detail come the July 2024 press conference.
This May, I plan on continuing to build the Home Media Server, organize my garage to enable some more woodworking activities, and organize my basement to begin once again creating custom decals and selling items for a few extra bucks on my eBay page. Katie and I are also going to be planting some future shade bushes and trees near our deck to block the wind. The next few months are going to be busy for me and will necessarily suffer. However, I promise to continue these monthly press conferences and link to new content I create on the web.
Okay, with that said, who has questions? Go ahead, Dave.
Q: Good morning, Mr. Tracy. You mentioned earlier that you plan on voting for Donald Trump and expected to endorse him this election year. Is that still the plan?
KEVIN TRACY: Here's the thing: I've been questioning what an endorsement is and I don't have a good answer for it yet, so I don't feel comfortable answering the question plainly.
Here's what I'm thinking. As you know, I don't like Donald Trump on a personal level, but I think he did a great job as an executive when he served for President. The former President is one of those examples of an obnoxious doctor with no bedside manner, but he's undeniably really damn good at his job. Joe Biden and his crackpot team of radically progressive swamp monsters have infected this country, our economy, and our spirit with a plethora of diseases; and Dr. Trump is the best option to cure the nation.
Yet, if a friendly country got suddenly ill, would I recommend they see Dr. Trump? Eh, probably not. His bedside manner sucks, and he is just an unpleasant human being.
That's a bit vague. Let's put it another way. When we vote, most of us often make at least some ballot choices based on a "lesser of two evils" approach. For example, "My Congressman is a RINO, but at least he's not a nut job leftist like that Democrat weirdo." You know the Republican isn't going to represent your values in Congress, but he's better than the alternative, so you vote to re-elect him in November. This is where I'm at with Donald Trump. I'm voting for him, but I cannot condone his unrepentant personal misconduct and the damage he's done to the conservative movement. Is that an ENDORSEMENT? It's a pretty poor endorsement at best, and I am leaning towards thinking that it's not an endorsement at all.
I truly believe Senator Mike Braun and Andy Bozak are honorable, Christian men who take their faith seriously and govern their lives and their politics in ways that I can not only vote for, but rally behind. That's why I've endorsed them on, but probably won't be endorsing Donald Trump, even though I am voting for Trump.
Sorry, that was almost a blog post. Who else has a question?
Q: Kevin, you explained that you were and will continue to be busy. Does this mean there will be no changes to for the foreseeable future?
KEVIN TRACY: Actually, right before I walked in to do this presser, I changed the code a bit to streamline the process of creating new news articles via the FTP. Essentially, the news articles you see on the Kevin Tracy home page are there because they're in a unique document and brought in using a php include. That was previously stored in a directory that had all of the php includes for the website. However, when I update the news, literally everything else I do is in the 'news' directory. So, I moved the updates file to the news directory, and updated the code on the home and news pages accordingly. You shouldn't notice a change, but it will make adding new content to the site more streamlined.
More importantly, I plan to remove Google Ads sometime this month. I'll explain why when I do it.
Q: Any progress on the left sidebar?
KEVIN TRACY: None, but every time I look at it, it's making me more angry. I want to change it soon to look more like the 2009 website, but I don't know when I'll have the time.
Q: How have the allergies been? Are you still drinking the unpasteurized milk and essential oils for allergy relief?
KEVIN TRACY: Man, they started really freaking early this year. They don't normally begin until the last week of April at the earliest or even the second week of May at the latest. This year, they started the second week of April. Even worse, they normally are at their worst for only a three week period; but we're past that now, and the allergies are continuing. The unpasteurized milk and lemon, peppermint, and lavender oils have undoubtedly helped. I've been able to mow my own yard this year without too terrible of flair ups, but my eyes are burning like crazy and I'm still having allergy attacks sneaking past whatever natural defenses these things give me. It's been pretty rough, but I'm doing better than I would be on any over-the-counter medication.
Q: What's your next tech project?
KEVIN TRACY: Probably that left sidebar, if not setting up some really elaborate eBay tracker.
Q: Progress on the Bible seems to have slowed. What's going on?
KEVIN TRACY: The same thing that's slowed down progress on - Life. Actually, in addition to that, I have a weird page numbering problem I need to solve before I move any further, too. That's not going to be streamed, but I need to do it before I stream next.
Q: When will your next YouTube video be?
KEVIN TRACY: Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe this month, but I make no promises.
That's all folks! Keep your eye out for updates! If I do post a new video, you'll find it on first.