April 2024 Press Conference

KEVIN TRACY: Good evening. I hereby commence the April 2024 KTracy.com Press Conference. Ask away.
Q: What big plans do you have this month?
KEVIN TRACY: Well, I recently learned that Warner Brothers DVDs are rapidly rotting; which has scared the crap out of me because I have a massive, and I mean MASSIVE collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays sitting in bins, disc cases, and organizers in my basement. I've always intended to back them up onto a NAS or home media server, but just never got around to it. Well, finding out about the earlier-than-expected disc rot problems has lit a fire under my butt. That's priority number one this month. Instead of buying a NAS, I'm just going to throw some NAS hard drives in my old 2010 PC - a true beast of a machine -, throw unRAID on it, and start ripping DVDs immediately. I'm also performing some minor upgrades to the machine, including replacing a couple of the failing case fans, installing a lower profile CPU cooler so I can get the side of the computer case on again, and giving it a good cleaning. I've got the old hard drives out of it and I'm backing up all of my old files on my new PC as we speak. There are some files in particular I'm still looking for, including some missing video of the Hobbit piece and all the video and project files for the almost-but-never finished Clair portrait from the Claymore manga and anime. I'm not going to format those old drives until I know for certain that I have the most up to date Claire files.

Q: Why are you going with unRAID?
KEVIN TRACY: I hope to make a video about this topic in particular, but I plan to slowly upgrade this system over time as I can get more hard drives. If I buy two or three 8TB hard drives, but then decide when prices drop that 12TB or 20TB would be useful, I won't have to upgrade all my hardrives at once and build a second NAS to accomplish that. I can use multiple hard drive sizes throughout the life of my machine. I can't do that with a RAID array.
Q: You mentioned a media server. Have you considered what software you want to run that?
KEVIN TRACY: Yes. I'm leaning towards Jellyfin.
Q: Last month, you attacked JFK, Jr. for picking Nicole Shanahan as his running mate. What are your thoughts on the race and JFK, Jr. now?
KEVIN TRACY: Indeed. I thought that was a very short sighted move. JFK, Jr. pretty much doubled down that he was a Democrat and should be considered first and foremost an alternative to Joe Biden, not Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I'm going to vote for Trump in 2024, as much as it pains me. However, if someone is debating between voting for Joe Biden and JFK, Jr, I'll still push them in JFK's direction. Likewise, if Donald Trump was convicted of a criminal offense and found himself removed from the ballot in Indiana; which will never happen; I would eagerly vote for JFK over Joe Biden. So of the three candidates, JFK is still my second choice.
Q: Will you be promoting Trump on your website?
KEVIN TRACY: I keep hoping SOMETHING will happen between now and Election Day that will stop Trump from being the Republican candidate. Donald Trump is absolutely the best of three candidates, but that's not a chest pounding endorsement, either. Let's just say that "I probably might" and it will depend largely on how the race goes.
Q: How's the new house coming along?
KEVIN TRACY: Great! Katie and I hosted our first Easter party for immediate family and learned a lot about hosting formal events in our space. Our next event will probably be an Independence Day gathering for some of our friends. Hopefully by then, we'll have a good sized 14' x 18' deck on the back of our house. It'll be about 100 square feet larger than the deck at the KTracy Manor I sold a little over a year ago. The night will be capped off with a really epic fireworks show in true KTracy.com fashion.
Q: Will we be invited?
KEVIN TRACY: No, it's for friends and family, not weirdos on the internet.
Q: Are you planning any spring planting?
KEVIN TRACY: I want to put a red oak in my back yard. Honestly, until recently, I was planning on building my deck. However, a really good contractor was recommended to us and I'm trusting its construction to him. That should hopefully give me more time to do some of the 2025 planting I was planning in 2024. Mostly, I plan to put in some lavender bushes and a few other plants to attract birds and make our yard less attractive to mosquitos.
Q: Any other outdoor projects?
KEVIN TRACY: I want to build a shed. We also have some nearby power lines and I want to run some experiments with electromagnetic fields and disrupting, intercepting, reflecting, and using them. I'm sure our local power utility is going to love this.
Q: Is the Bible project you're working on impacting your time spent creating content for KTracy.com?
KEVIN TRACY: The way I see it, the Bible Project is content for KTracy.com. If you're asking if the Bible Project is drawing me away from making more political content, then yes. However, and I think I said this a few months ago, and I know I said it in that video where I made the American flag out of wood, politics is becoming less and less important to me. My faith is more important that politics, and that certainly wasn't always the case, but it is today and the time I'm spending on this Bible project reflects that quite a bit.
Q: Do you plan on streaming more pixel art in the near future?
KEVIN TRACY: I don't have any immediate plans to do it, but if I find those working files for the Claire piece, I will take a few nights to finish that print on Twitch. I'll share an image of what I'm talking about so you can see how close it is.
Q: What are you and Katie watching?
KEVIN TRACY: This Is Us (streaming on Hulu), Dead Like Me (streaming on Freevee), and Band of Brothers (streaming on MAX). We're trying to slow burn these shows because we have a difficult time finding shows we can both agree on. When I'm not around, Katie is watching a lot of National Geographic stuff on Disney+ and when she's not around, I've been slowly catching up on the Dressrosa arc of One Piece on Hulu.
Q: What about what you guys are reading?
KEVIN TRACY: Well, you know, obviously the Holy Bible since I've been writing it. I think we last read It Is Well by Chris Faddis, and I think we started to read the Diary of St. Faustina after that but didn't finish it. I know there is some religious reading we've wanted to do, but just haven't gotten around to it.
And with that, I'm out of here, guys! Great questions, for the most part, this month. Keep it up! You've got 30 days until the next one of these, so start sending those questions in now via the Contact page.