Is Joe Biden Going To Israel Tonight?

As previously discussed, Joe Biden has his fingerprints all over the recent HAMAS attack on Israel. Then, as the world descends into the chaos he helped to create, the White House unexpectedly announced midday on October 9th that there was a lid on the rest of the day, meaning the President's day was effectively done. Conservative commentators across the United States bashed the Biden White House endlessly for this all afternoon and evening. Yet, there is one possible explanation for this ineptitude that, at this level, is out of place even for the most inept President in this history of this country: Joe Biden could be going to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem to show solidarity in person with the people of Israel.
In the wake of the HAMAS attack, the worst on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, the United States sent an aircraft carrier to the region and has been flying frequent patrols in the area. At face value, this seemed like a deterrent to Egypt, Lebanon, or some other country in the region with an air force from getting involved to stop the Israeli bombing of Gaza or hit ground targets in Israel. However, it was unlikely these countries would try anything like that given the current state of affairs in the Middle East. Instead, it may have been paving the way to secure a route for Air Force One to fly to Israel and land in Tel Aviv. I doubt Joe Biden would go to Jerusalem since the city is controversial for Democrats after Donald Trump moved the embassy there in 2018, but it would be a remarkable gesture.
If Joe Biden shows up in Washington tomorrow morning, then the conservative critiques of him were right all along. If that's true, the early lid would be one of the worst gaffes in American political history. However, I'll never forget when George W. Bush made a surprise trip to Iraq on Thanksgiving Day in 2003 to eat turkey with the troops in Baghdad. Joe Biden might be looking to make a similar move 20 years later; which would undoubtedly help his enormous image problem here in the United States as he seeks re-election in 2024.