The High Resolution Pixel Art of Kevin Tracy
The most popular exhibit at the Kevin Tracy Museum of Art and Photography is our collection of Kevin Tracy's high resolution pixel art. Because selling prints of this artwork is one of the primary revenue streams for; we don't provide high resolution files of this art. If you are interested in supporting Kevin Tracy, this website, or the museum, we encourage you to check out the Store.

Indiana (August 2022)
Semp's Retirement Poster
A pixel art piece printed as a 30" x 20" poster celebrating MSgt David Sempervive's retirement from the US Air Force using the style of The MSPaint Comic. It features Semp, Beth, Kevin, DJ, Lee, and Matt sitting on the wing of the iconic U-2 Dragon Lady parked on the tarmac of Beale AFB where they all met and where Semp started his US Air Force career.
To the museum's knowledge, this is the first time any artist has used 5-point perspective (the fish eye lens perspective) in high resolution pixel art. This is also the first time Kevin Tracy has used shadow maps for applying shadows to patterned clothing and the second time he has done multi-tone shading with his MS Paint Comic art style. Click here to watch Kevin create Semp's Air Force Retirement poster and learn more about the art!
75 hours

Indiana (November 2020)
Tom Waits Portrait
A fan commissioned Kevin Tracy to create a portrait of an aged Tom Waits playing a guitar in his famed MS Paint high resolution pixel art style. This is the first known example of Kevin Tracy using complex multi-color lighting in his art.
250 hours
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Indiana (May 2020)
The Greatest Adventure
This was the highest resolution piece Kevin Tracy had completed. Using three separate pixel sizes for the characters in the foreground, the background linework, and the background color; Kevin sought to create a true MS Paint tribute to his favorite animated film: Rankin/Bass' 1977 The Hobbit.
465 hours
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Indiana (May 2020)
Kathleen Kennedy Frozen in Carbonite
Like many of his fans, Kevin Tracy is no fan of Kathleen Kennedy and what she has done to Star Wars. When a fan approached him in 2020 for a art commission expressing this frustration, Kevin Tracy knew exactly what needed to be done. Freezing her in carbonite was the most humane way of solving the problem.
20 hours
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Indiana (March 2020)
Love and Natural Oil
As a huge fan of Ghost in the Shell, Kevin Tracy chose to pay tribute to the relationship between protaganist Batou and "his" Tachikoma unit. This MS Paint rendering depicts Batou feeding the Tachikoma banned natural motor oil while at a romantic cafe in Niihama.
80 hours
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Indiana (February 2020)
Stacey King - 1992 NBA Finals
Like many kids growing up in the late 1980s and 1990s in Chicago, Kevin Tracy was an enormous fan of the Chicago Bulls. This piece is of Bulls Forward/Center Stacey King. This was the first time Kevin had successfully completed a piece using different sized pixels in an art.
35 hours
Stacey King instead of more famous members of the Chicago Bulls.
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Indiana (September 2019)
A Tribute to Ralph Bakshi's Wizards
The foreground of this piece is pixel art; while the background combines fine ink work, digital rendering, and WWII photography. This multi-medium piece is designed to honor the many different types of animation and artwork (including that by Ian Miller) used by Ralph Bakishi while making Wizards.
320 hours
Link to Ian Miller's Website
Link to Ralph Bakshi's Website
why Wizards and Ralph Bakshi are so inspiring to him.
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Indiana (September 2019)
Vertiigo's Angus McFife Character
In 2019, World of Warcraft Classic was released and Twitch and YouTube creator Vertiigo got in on it. As a fan of Vertiigo's, Kevin Tracy created this for his weekly YouTube art video.
The name Angus McFife comes from the interdimensional space power metal opera band Gloryhammer. Angus McFife begins the story with his life in ruin, but quests to obtain a legendary hammer able to defeat the evil wizard who raided his kingdom.
25 hours
Links to Vertiigo: Twitch | YouTube | Patreon
Gloryhammer Website

Naomi Osaka Portrait (September 2019)
Portrait of Naomi Osaka
Naomi Osaka is an exceptionally talented tennis player and has exhibited incredible grace in particularly chaotic situations. Kevin Tracy drew this in 2019 as a tribute to that grace, pulling inspiration from a famous portrait of her late friend, Kobe Bryant.
20 hours
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Indiana (August 2019)
Brexit Propaganda
This piece combined Kevin Tracy's art with his love of international affairs. It features the British flag shaped as a fist punching through a flag of the European Union. The MS Paint art work is meant to suggest the British hand has bursted through the flag and "snatching back" the star that represents its freedom.
5 hours
Buy Your Brexit Propaganda Print

Indiana (August 2019)
Shadow the Wolf Art Contest Entry
Inspired by a young girl's video game character, Kevin Tracy answered the call to draw Shadow the Wolf in MS Paint for her YouTube art challenge. Kevin Tracy later found out this kid was several years younger than he assumed and may have unintentionally drawn some pixelated nightmare fuel with the gruesome wolf carrying the severed leg of a gazelle.
10 hours
Watch Kevin Tracy draw this badass wolf carrying a severed gazelle leg.
Buy Your Badass Wolf PrintFREE SHIPPING!

Michigan (October 2018)
Jack's Nightmare
When a Halloween-themed comic convention experienced unexpectedly slow turnout, Kevin Tracy decided to draw some fan art pixel art in MS Paint. This became a huge it and is one of Kevin Tracy's best selling pieces.
'Jack's Nightmare' has two separate versions, including one with a Happy Mayor face and another with the Scared Mayor face.
20 hours