Rachel DeLonge
Rachel DeLonge
Ministry of Propaganda


TRANSCRIPT: Kevin Tracy Turns 41! Birthday Festivities Commence at The KTracy Palace!

RACHEL DELONGE: I want to thank everyone for coming to this special edition Press Conference on the occasion of our founder's 41st birthday. I'll take questions in a minute, but first I want to take a moment to thank Carl Sven for explaining to our readers how to enable dark mode on their devices in order to see the new KTracy.com Dark Mode that most of us are using here at KTracy.com headquarters.

Now, for the reason we're all here, it's Kevin Tracy's 41st birthday. Kevin Tracy was born on the extreme east side of the Central Time Zone in the final minutes of February 22nd, in the year of our Lord 1984. For this reason, we celebrate both February 22nd and February 23rd as Kevin Tracy's birthday. 2025 is especially exciting because both days fall on the weekend and Lent has not started; which means this party is going to be LIT!

A quick itinerary for those that want to report on Kevin Tracy's schedule this weekend. Kevin and Katie do plan to sleep in Saturday while the staff are preparing the decorations and food. Kevin will spend some short time in prayer as he does every morning. He is apparently working on a portrait of St. Patrick for his next YouTube video; so he may put some time in that. Come afternoon, the party will commence with some staff karaoke and a good lunch. Later in the day, Kevin and Katie will travel to a Polish restaurant famous in both of their families and have dinner there with both Kevin and Katie's families. The venue has been reserved for the evening; which is great. Upon their return to the KTracy Palace, Kevin and Katie will rejoin the staff party.

As usual, the staff will wake up before Kevin and Katie to attend one of the earlier Masses in the day; while Kevin and Katie will attend one of the later Masses in the morning or early afternoon. The couple will dine again with Kevin's parents before returning to the KTracy Palace to resume partying with friends.

Dr. Dickson, our doctor on staff, has been monitoring everyone's hydration levels and liver enzymes all week to ensure we are prepared for this momentous occasion. With that, I'll open this up to questions. Go ahead, Mark.

MARK: Are we in the press corps invited to any of these events?

RACHEL: With the exception of Holy Mass, absolutely not. Tiffany.

TIFFANY: Thank you. Will there be any staff events we can maybe go to?

RACHEL: Not that you can go to. But how about I leave you some stale cake in the press offices on Monday morning? Aaron.

AARON: Rachel, how often does this happen where Kevin's birthday and east coast birthday fall on a Saturday and Sunday?

RACHEL: It's happened in 1986, 1992, 1997, 2003, 2014, and 2020 before this year. It will next happen in 2031 and then 2042, 2048, 2053, and 2059. However, the weekend occurred during Lent in 1986 and 1997, and will occur in Lent again in 2048, 2053, and 2059. Whenever Kevin's birthday occurs during Lent, it's always a bit of a bummer on an otherwise joyous event. For those of you who don't know, Catholics fast during Lent, and while we are to feast on Sundays, the parties are usually limited in scope when they fall on a Monday through Saturday during Lent.

MICHAEL: When will Mr. Tracy next provide a press conference to us?

RACHEL: I'm not entirely sure. Kevin Tracy has been working long hours on a number of pet projects, some of which are somewhat sensitive. I can't tell you when he will return to this podium. However, he does put out content more regularly now, so keep an eye out for him. You can always reach Kevin Tracy by using the Contact link on KTracy.com, too.

Thank you for your time and have a happy Kevin Tracy Birthday Weekend!