CIA Finally Says COVID-19 Pandemic Resulted from Wuhan Lab Leak

Well, well, well. The CIA has announced that the COVID-19 virus that shut down the world, killed millions of people, terrorized billions, destroyed countless small businesses (including my own), stunted the education of a generation of young Americans, and cost the global economy trillions of dollars was leaked from the Wuhan lab in China.
The CIA said this was the result of analysis and not pressure from the incoming administration. What they failed to say was when this analysis was done or what new information has made them come to this conclusion. That's probably because it wasn't the Trump administration applying pressure to the CIA, but the Biden Administration; which was undoubtedly covering up for Anthony Fauci and the illegal practices surrounding gain of function testing in that Wuhan lab, which were funded in part by US taxpayer dollars.
Common sense alone led many Americans to conclude the truth on their own, including us here at It was one of the great many lies told to us by our government that have completely eroded all trust we've had in them and ultimately resulted in the overwhelming victory of the vehemently anti-establishment campaign of Donald Trump.
This admission by the CIA that China's Wuhan lab was responsible for COVID and the recent announcement by the White House that the US Government was responsible for the drone chaos over New Jersey are steps in the right direction to restore some limited trust in our government. A lot of work still needs to be done, but this transparency is extremely important.