March 2024 Press Conference

KEVIN TRACY: Good morning and I wish you all a happy start to Appreciation Month. To celebrate, we're going to be doing these monthly press conferences the first of every month, or as close to it as possible. I'm just answering you questions. I figure if we do it this way, instead of whenever I feel like it, I won't get asked questions about topics from several months ago that I'm not as familiar with. Plus, you can then share my answers on your websites and news programs. It's really a win-win.
Q: turns 20 years old today. Don't you think the fake Press Conference schtick is getting kind of old?
KEVIN TRACY: Not at all.
Q: What's the status of the Podcast?
KEVIN TRACY: I think everything is planned out except our schedules and exactly how I'm distributing it to all the common podcast hosts like Apple, Spotify, and the others.
Q: Who will be on the Podcast?
KEVIN TRACY: Matt, Semp, Travis, and myself.
Q: What type of content will you be covering?
KEVIN TRACY: It's probably going to focus on the topics of geopolitics and global conflicts, but it will probably touch on topics of manliness and culture.
Q: Do you have a date you would like to start it by?
KEVIN TRACY: I keep pushing it back because it seems like I can't handle this additional commitment on my list of things to do. That's kind of why my YouTube channel hasn't been updated yet. God knows I have plenty of videos filmed and ready to be edited.
Q: What's so pressing that's keeping you from getting this stuff done?
KEVIN TRACY: Honestly, I'm obsessed with my wife. She's getting a ton of my attention and I couldn't be happier.
Q: Any special events coming up in March we should be expecting?
KEVIN TRACY: Not really. I hope to get a bunch of the Archives from 2004 uploaded this month. Maybe even the full year. I also have a new setup for streaming from my drawing desk that I will go into in more detail this month. All I'm waiting for is a USB-A extension cable since the webcam I'm using above my desk is kind of short. When that's done, I'll be live on Twitch a bit more often working on the Twin Bibles project. On Easter, my wife and I are hosting our first family Easter party at the KTracy Palace. I kind of hope to be getting some pictures of that on here. Oh, and speaking of the Christian stuff, Katie and I are going on a religious retreat this month, too. I have no idea if we're going to be getting photos from that, though.
Q: Speaking of photos, it seems like you are posting at least one old photo album in the Kevin Tracy Museum of Art and Photography's exhibit on The Incredible Adventures of Kevin Tracy. What's coming up in March?
KEVIN TRACY: Yes, every month I do try to add at least one old photo album. The process of picking out a gallery is pretty lackluster. I go through my photo archives, I find one that I haven't shared that looks decent and doesn't involve ex-girlfriends, and pick that one. I have some photos from the Manassas Battle Field in Virginia taken in 2006. Alternatively, I think I have some pictures from Mike Huckabee's Iowa Headquarters in the 2008 campaign I might share.
Q: That's how you pick what photo album to upload?
KEVIN TRACY: For the most part. Sometimes I save content for when it becomes more relevant. For example, I have photos from Independence Day 2003 when I was in technical training at Goodfellow Air Force Base. I'll upload those probably on July first or second of this year.
Q: Going back to events, do you plan to watch the State of the Union and have a watch party?
KEVIN TRACY: I probably will watch just to see how senile President Biden appears and see if he proposes anything on illegal immigration that would seriously solve the problem at the southern border. Heck, I would be happy if he would acknowledge how bad the problem is without finding some way to blame Trump; which is getting old. As far as the watch party, probably not. If they had it on a Friday or Saturday night, I would consider it. But with it being a worknight, I think that might be a bit much.
Q: Are you still planning to endorse President Trump?
KEVIN TRACY: Yes, but I want to make sure I make an informed decision between him and RFK Jr. I just know that four more years of Biden-Harris will be a further disaster for the world and I don't know if Trump can win in November, or that he's even a better candidate than RFK, Jr. as a conservative voter. I want to make sure I make an informed decision I can stick with when Trump is convicted of whichever criminal felony he gets busted for.
And with that, I'm off to work. See you next month!