Pope Francis' Synod on Synodality Is Not As Cataclysmic As Warned

It's too early to see the fruits from the Synod on Synodality, so it's too early to judge the Synod. However, it appears as though the cataclysmic and dire warnings from traditionalists and the instigating comments by those more busy advocating for the blessing of intrinsically disordered and perverse relationships than advocating for the teachings of Holy Scripture may have been unnecessarily divisive.
Not unlike Pope Francis said would be the case, reports appear to suggest the Synod is limited only to being open to listening to people with opposing views and how to create a more open church without discussing changes to the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church on the topics of married priests, homosexuality, the ordination of women, and so forth. Although one could argue that having the conversation and listening is the first step to changing the church, it would likewise be an important first step to saving a soul and bringing them back in line with Christ's Holy Church.
Like Pope Paul VI said about a burgeoning debate about married priests in the Latin Rite, "It is not at all appropriate to have a public debate on this topic, which requires such utmost prudence and is of such great importance." Such a strong, concise statement would have been welcomed by many years earlier in this Papacy, but (for better or worse) that's not Pope Francis' style. Like I've been saying, Pope Francis is not likely to be remembered as a great Pope in the likes of Pope Saint John Paul II or a future doctor of the church like Pope Benedict XVI. In fact, his Papacy is likely to be remembered for the enormous confusion and danger of schism. However, if the Holy Spirit uses Pope Francis' Synod on Synodality as a starting point to at least get us talking, that would deserve to be remembered as a true miracle with how contentious our times are.
Continue praying for Pope Francis, the Catholic Church, and the integrity of the Synod and those invited to participate in it.