Cassidy Hutchinson in New Book: Rudy Giuliani Groped Me
Remember last year when I said Cassidy Hutchinson was probably lying about Trump's temper and the 77-year-old's ability to choke out his Secret Service detail, so she could write a book in a couple years? Well, it's been 14 months since then and she's got a new book to promote! Enough isn't on shelves yet, but her publisher has given copies to media outlets across the world in order to start building the hype.
"What? Nobody cares that Donald Trump has a temper? ... ummm... Did I mention that Rudy Giuliani tried to rape me and the only witness is one of the guys indicted with Trump in Georgia!?"
Look, I'm torn here. Rudy Giuliani is now more of an alcoholic sex fiend than the man he used to be. Based on everything I have heard about and seen of Rudy Giuliani in the Trump era, I can 100% believe he's guilty of groping a woman under her blazer and reaching up her skirt.
The problem is that I can also 100% believe that Cassidy Hutchinson is just making this up because the 27-year-old wants to make a fortune selling books that she would never had otherwise made as an underpaid congressional staffer; which is where she would have been heading after Trump lost the election.
Hutchinson says the former New York mayor turned Trump lawyer put his hand
under my blazer, then my skirt.
I feel his frozen fingers trail up my thighs. He tilts his chin up. The whites of his eyes look jaundiced. My eyes dart to John Eastman, who flashes a leering grin.
I fight against the tension in my muscles and recoil from Rudy’s grip... filled with rage, I storm through the tent, on yet another quest for Mark.
It reads more like a sleazy romance novel than a memoir. Anyway, so far as I know, John Eastman has done nothing to even have his name considered on the disturbingly long list of sex scandals among Trump allies that I put together. Aside from misleading Trump about his ability to challenge the election results and trying to get Mike Pence to remove the electors from seven states that Trump lost, John Eastman doesn't strike me as a sleaze bag who would leering grin as he watched a 76 year old man sexually assault a 24 year old woman. In fact, Eastman has made a career in petitioning courts and representing clients in cases relating to protecting traditional marriage, keeping people in the restrooms they were destined to poop in by their birth gender, and opposing adoptions by homosexual couples. His track record is not really good, but it does speak to his convictions. I can't help but think the inclusion of Eastman's name was simply to give weight to the story since Eastman is among those indicted with former President Trump in the Georgia case.
It's not impossible to believe that a Christian policy advocate would be perverted by overexposure to Trumpism, but again, this seems like a stretch without any history of behavior to collaborate this.
In fact, none of this is impossible. If it were anybody other than Cassidy Hutchinson trying to sell copies of her book, I would probably say it was probable. Cassidy Hutchins has undoubtedly gotten better about lying. While an aged and out of shape Donald Trump overpowering his secret service detail seems crazy when you stop to think about it, Rudy Giuliani groping a woman less than a third his age is entirely feasible because he has a track record and has been caught on video. The best lies are shrouded by truth.
In Cassidy Hutchinson's defense, I did wonder "Why the heck any woman would wear a skirt short enough for Rudy Giuliani to reach up in January?" I'm not sure if this picture was taken January 6th, but it was taken January 2020 and she's wearing the skirt and blazer. So, this is at least in her ill-advised winter wardrobe.