Miracle at Fátima: Blind Teen Girl Cured!

World Youth Day, an enormous gathering of Catholic teens from across the world, was held in Portugal this year and it appears as through a pilgrim may have been blessed with a miracle after praying the Novena to Our Lady of the Snows and receiving the blessed Eucharist.
For two and a half years, 16 year old Jimena was losing her vision due to myopia. The problem had progressed to the point where the girl had lost approximately 95% of her vision... that is until August 5th, as Pope Francis prayed the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Our Lady's Shrine in Fátima, the girl attended Mass and, after receiving Communion, she began to weep heavily praying for God to cure her. In her own words:
“When I opened my eyes, I could see perfectly. It was overwhelming; very many thanks must be given for the miracle, because I saw the altar, the tabernacle, my girl friends were there, and I could see them perfectly.”
Jimena has since read the prayer of Thanksgiving at Mass and spoken to Cardinal Juan José Omella of Barcelona; who wouldn't confirm it was a miracle until the doctors reports had been completed, but did note how wildly excited the young woman is to have her sight restored after trying to learn braille for the past two years.
Never stop praying with a hopeful heart! God still works awesome miracles: those that seem less remarkable because of how ordinary they become in our lives, those that can be written off as coincidence, and even those that defy any scientific or logical explanation.