Senator Fetterman's Casual Dress Reminiscent of Thomas Jefferson
Recently, a lot of people have been dog-piling on Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman for his appearance and struggles public speaking. John Fetterman famously suffered a stroke at the onset of the 2022 election, but ultimately defeating the MAGA Republican candidate and famous TV nut, Dr. Oz.
Fetterman winning was more about the ineptitude of Dr. Oz and the failure of Donald Trump to lead the vast majority of his ticket to victory in the mid-term elections. However, by most accounts, while John Fetterman does struggle with speaking coherently after the stroke, he still has his intellect; which is why a lot of people (rightly) think his speech impediment should be off limits, but excessively casual dressing habits are fair game.
Indeed, there is nothing preventing Senator Fetterman from wearing a suit, like virtually every male politician in the westernized world. But is his decision to dress casually really that bad?
Thomas Jefferson was infamous in his time for his casual garb. It may not be apparent to us today, but in this official portrait completed in 1805, Jefferson is wearing the 1800s equivalent of a hoodie. A fur rimmed coat was practical and considered casual at the time. Jefferson frequently dressed down throughout most of his Presidency, except when meeting foreign dignitaries.

Jefferson's logic was quite simple. He loved Democracy. A representative government should look and dress like the people they represent. Most Americans in the early 1800s dressed functionally. Unlike the slimy, smooth talking Federalists (the big government party of the early Republic), Jefferson wanted to send the message that he was different. As a Democratic-Republican (essentially a Libertarian by today's standards), Jefferson didn't think government office should be a sought after position by the elite. Jefferson eventually lost both the battle for casual dress and the prospect of a government not dominated in every aspect by the elite. However, the ideal of fighting elitism is still strong. Just ask any MAGA supporter about that.
If Senator Fetterman holds his ground, and I hope he does, and manages to get re-elected as the Casual Senator from Pennsylvania, and I hope he doesn't, he might inspire some more politicians believing in the symbolism of looking like the people you represent.
It's also forward thinking. When I bought my last suit, my tailor lamented that the only people who are buying suits anymore are lawyers and politicians. When I got married back in April, it was a very high-end affair. However, the only people who wore suits were 60+ years old (and my groomsmen and woman in tuxedos). And that was okay. In a very short amount of time, with only lawyers and politicians wearing suits (two of the most hated professions in America), the suit is going to be viewed as something bad.
Senator Fetterman might be ahead of the curve, and more power to his hoodie and shorts!