Rachel DeLonge
Rachel DeLonge
Ministry of Propaganda


First Press Conference of 2023

RACHEL DELONGE: Kevin Tracy will not be joining us for this month's press conference. Unfortunately, he and his fiancée Katie have come down with COVID. This is at least the second time each of them have had it and they were previously vaccinated in 2021, so everyone including Dr. Richard Dickson is confident in their quick recoveries. Dr. Dickson, the resident physician at KTracy.com, is with me today and will answer any health questions relating to Mr. Tracy.

QUESTION: Dr. Dickson, what is Kevin Tracy's current status?

DR. RICHARD DICKSON: Kevin Tracy is exhibiting symptoms typical of COVID and he is miserable. Unfortunately, he has not been able to lay flat for over a week without asthma and obstructed breathing problems, so he's been resting at an incline. Mr. Tracy is a side-sleeper and he despises laying at an incline, but he's following my orders largely because he can't breathe if he doesn't. I'm hopeful this will prevent anything from settling in his lungs. However, because of this, Mr. Tracy is primarily resting and not sleeping; which isn't great. But he'll be back to his intolerable self soon.

QUESTION: If Kevin Tracy dies, who takes over KTracy.com?

RACHEL DELONGE: At present, in the event of the tragic death of our beloved philosopher, KTracy.com would be placed in the control of a trust that would attempt to archive everything Kevin Tracy has ever created and host it on KTracy.com as a sort of digital memorial. But I want to stress that Kevin Tracy is not dying. I think you all know how Mr. Tracy feels about the communist regime in China. There is absolutely no way he's going to allow himself to be killed by some virus those commies created in one of their labs.

QUESTION: Everything Kevin Tracy has created? Like, everything?

RACHEL DELONGE: Yes. Right now, KTracy.com is primarily geared towards only archiving what Kevin Tracy has created on KTracy.com and highlighting what he is doing now. The total archive of everything would include uploading artwork, sketch books, story boards, his college papers are already available in a book, but his high school and even some middle school papers. He's also written a few programs and code snippets that we would like to share and make open source in one way or another. We would also be uploading home videos and photographs from Kevin's childhood. It's a massive undertaking, but part of what we're doing with KTracy.com is ensuring that we have a structure in place to host all of this stuff in an organized way without a major web re-design after Kevin Tracy passes away. This website has always been and will always be designed by Kevin Tracy, even after he passes.

QUESTION: Is Mr. Tracy isolating and where is he isolating at?

RACHEL DELONGE: As some of you may already know, Kevin Tracy sold the KTracy.com Manor. This has created a bit of a security headache for us, so we're not disclosing the location of Kevin Tracy's isolation.

DR. RICHARD DICKSON: But Kevin Tracy is isolating himself from the population beyond even what the CDC is asking for.

QUESTION: What kind of security headaches did the sale of the KTracy Manor create?

RACHEL DELONGE: The KTracy Manor was equipped with the latest and greatest security measures, including lasers. Because we can't go around installing cameras and lasers in a place not owned by Kevin Tracy or our parent company Pixel Perfect Solutions, we decided to keep Kevin bouncing between multiple places. This way, there is no guaranteed way for assassins or foreign agents to find Kevin Tracy outside of large gatherings where his massive numbers of fans act as heroic body guards for Mr. Tracy.

QUESTION: When is Kevin Tracy looking to decide on a new home?

RACHEL DELONGE: Unless something remarkable comes on the market, it will likely be after the wedding. However, just like KTracy Manor, the location Kevin Tracy is looking to buy in is being kept secret.

QUESTION: Back to Mr. Tracy's COVID diagnosis, how was Mr. Tracy exposed?

DR. RICHARD DICKSON: This is difficult to determine. Kevin Tracy attended multiple parties with friends and family throughout the weekend of the 14th and 15th. One of the homes he visited had one or more cats; which Mr. Tracy is extremely allergic to. This resulted in a large amount of mucus that Kevin failed to expel before sleeping the following night. It's my belief that the mucus settled in his chest and resulted in a minor infection, although it is possible he was infected at that time. Shortly after, Mr. Tracy came to my office after I had been doing some experiments with COVID-19 variants. Since Kevin was sure it was allergies, I didn't test him for COVID at that time. However, on the 21st, someone close to Kevin tested positive for COVID. This prompted Kevin to return to me, where I then tested him for COVID and discovered he was infected with the virus. I suspect he might have gotten it from my office, although he might have had COVID since the previous weekend. I doubt this is the case because his symptoms were improving before the COVID diagnosis and are beginning to worsen again. This is the second time Mr. Tracy has had COVID after being vaccinated, so we don't expect his immune system to take this long to fight off COVID again.

QUESTION: What experiments are you running on COVID variants and how was it that Mr. Tracy was exposed in your office?

DR. RICHARD DICKSON: My research is classified and only sold to the highest bidders.

QUESTION: Rachel, you mention these archives, is there anything Kevin Tracy wouldn't want to share now?

RACHEL DELONGE: As in share only after he dies?


RACHEL DELONGE: Totally. So, one of the things we've struggled with at KTracy.com is what to do with Kevin's artwork that contains nude figures or otherwise not safe for work activities, including violence and sexuality. With input from his teams, Kevin Tracy decided to self-censor for a variety of reasons. However, after his passing, the content will be unfiltered. The mechanism for this content is still being debated, but it's a low priority since we don't plan to show any of it for quite some time.

QUESTION: Why is it being hidden now?

RACHEL DRIVER: Well, for starters, Kevin Tracy may decide to run for political office again. The last thing we need are self-proclaimed Internet experts psychoanalyzing Kevin based on his art if Kevin makes that decision. Second, when Mr. Tracy and Katie have children, they don't want the kids or their friends finding some of this art at too young of an age. Finally, we're concerned about search engine optimization and the internet in general. If Google flags us for hosting adult-only content, we're going to have a huge problem. Similarly, we wouldn't be able to link to KTracy.com from YouTube or other social media pages. So we have to protect KTracy.com for now while we still use these services.

QUESTION: Will the February press conference be this late in the month, too?

RACHEL DRIVER: Great question. No. This was delayed by the conclusion of the Christmas season, the sale of the KTracy Manor, and then Mr. Tracy becoming ill. I just pulled the trigger on it realizing Kevin probably won't be able to get to hosting one until February if I didn't.

And with that, I think we'll wrap up the first press conference of 2023. Thanks for coming out and we look forward to sharing a lot of great content with you in the year to come!