Rachel DeLonge
How Columbus Day Is Celebrated Around The World

Happy Columbus Day! Or as I like to say, "Eat a dick, liberal revisionist scum!"
KTracy.com is proudly a supporter of Columbus Day and all that it represents. However, this Columbus Day, we thought it would be fun to trigger some progressives with no tolerance for traditional opinions to take a look at how Columbus Day is marked by different cultures around the world.
The great explorer set sail with funding from Spain and it's therefore Spain that gets the national credit for discovering the Americas on Christopher Columbus' expedition. In Spain, Columbus' discovery of the Americas has been celebrated since at least 1642, fifty years after the fact. By 1730, it was treated as a religious feast day throughout the Spanish Empire; which is unusual because Christopher Columbus was never venerated as a Saint by the Catholic Church. Then, on the 400th anniversary of the discovery in 1892, Spain suggested other countries around the world begin participating in the celebration of Discovery Day. Italy, the United States, and much of Latin America responded enthusiastically.
Of course, we know how we celebrate in the United States... largely with an immense lack of gratitude.
The Italians have long celebrated Christopher Columbus, but Columbus Day, or Giornata nazionale di Cristoforo Columbo has only been celebrated as a national holiday since 2004; around the time American progressives began gaining ground in their mission to slander this great hero.
Most interesting is its celebration in Latin America where it is known as Día de la Raza, or the Day of The (Hispanic) Race. While we do admittedly have a long history of racism in the United States thanks to our British roots; the Spanish and native populations intermarried. This mixing of cultures resulted in the Hispanic Ethnicity - Kevin forbids us from using the term "race" because race doesn't exist.
We at KTracy.com really liked Columbia's celebration of Columbus Day as El día de la Raza y de la Hispanidad. Columbia; which is named after Christopher Columbus; uses the Day of the Race and Hispanicity as a time to celebrate ethnic diversity and the encounter of two worlds.
So once again: Happy Columbus Day from us at KTracy.com to all of you around the world who know of the incredible accomplishments of one of the greatest explorers of all time.