Kevin Tracy
President Biden Will Run for Re-Election at 81 Years Old

Joe Biden has announced he's running for re-election in the most undramatic fashion ever. For months, President Biden's political allies have been saying the 79 year old President would seek re-election; but Biden himself hadn't confirmed that himself. Well, that's now changed. While having his picture taken with America's most obnoxious attention whore (Al Sharpton), President Biden took the "opportunity" to casually mention he was doing it.
It's not normally a surprise that a sitting, first-term President would run for re-election. However, Joe Biden is already the oldest President in the United States and in 2024, he will be nearly 82 years old on Election Day. In addition to his age already being a liability, Joe Biden's presidency has largely been a disaster with epic government spending after decades of uncontrolled spending and a inexplicable fixation on pandering to the most ridiculous of cultural inventions.
By running, Joe Biden clearly hopes to be remembered as something other than "The only President worse than Jimmy Carter."
Unfortunately for Democrats, Joe Biden's pride will likely deny them the ability to nominate a new face and name without all of Joe Biden's failures. Of course, there's always a chance Governor Gavin Newsom would primary Biden; but it's not likely he would risk upsetting enormous chunks of the Democratic fundraising base.
That's fine by me, though. Joe Biden should hopefully be easy to beat for most of the Republican field; any of whom I would vote for this time around.