Kevin Tracy


October Press Conference Transcript

RACHEL DELONGE: Thank you for coming to this early morning press conference. Our dearly beloved leader, Kevin Tracy, is going to take all of your questions and questions asked by visitors to the website over the previous month. This is essentially how we're going to handle and address the e-mail equivalent of query comments on We plan to do these once a month for now, but we may start doing this once every week or two if it grows in popularity as the site grows. With that said, I think Kevin Tracy has a few introductory remarks and he'll take your questions.

KEVIN TRACY: Thank you, Rachel. I don't know where we'd all be without you. Probably sleeping. [Laughter in the room]. I really enjoy these press conferences and missed them dearly from the old days and we're going to try to do a few more of them moving forward. Normally, our press conferences are about things I want to talk about, but this monthly press conference is about things you want to talk about. We've received scores of e-mails over the past month from visitors sharing their feedback; which has been great. Some of those e-mails included questions that we're going to answer today. Additionally, we're letting the normal press corps ask their questions freely as well.

RACHEL DELONGE: And by freely, Kevin means one question and one follow up question. We're not going to be here all day and night chasing down drug-filled liberal rabbit holes.

KEVIN TRACY: And with that, let's get to the questions.

QUESTION: Do you think Vladimir Putin is going to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine?

KEVIN TRACY: No. Russia's end goal is to either capture all of Ukraine or to make it a satellite state with a puppet government always willing to do Moscow's bidding. Ukraine is a land full of natural resources, so using nuclear weapons and creating radioactive wastelands would limit what resources Russia would be able to reap from Ukraine. It's not in their long term strategic interest.

QUESTION: When will the 300,000 Russian troops recently mobilized be heading to the front lines in Ukraine?

KEVIN TRACY: I haven't had access to intel like that in years, but I would expect the Russian military to spend then next few months training and outfitting the soldiers and using them next spring. During the fall, Ukraine turns into a sloppy, muddy mess. Moving soldiers, artillery, vehicles, and supplies through the area is going to be difficult. Likewise, I think Russia knows they don't want to fight a war in the winter in Ukraine. So they'd be best off spending a little extra time training the 300,000 mobilized troops in tactics specialized for Ukraine based on lessons learned from the conflict so far and sending them to the front lines in the Spring. However, I wouldn't put it past some third string generals eager to impress an impatient Putin to try something incredibly stupid before then. It would be tragic for the Russian Army if they did without an absolutely stellar strategy, though.

QUESTION: Is this the start of World War III?

KEVIN TRACY: I want to say "no" but it's really difficult to say because all the components are there. Ukraine, Sweden, and Finland joining NATO were historically a red line for Russian military action; and Russia's invasion of Ukraine pushed the Scandinavian countries to apply for NATO membership. Meanwhile, China is posturing towards Taiwan more aggressively than anytime in the last 25 years with a military and economy more powerful than ever before in history. Plus, China's encroachment in the South China Sea is a geopolitical threat that is largely ignored in the US media, but a growing concern for our Pacific allies. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a particularly dangerous situation and there was no reason for concern. However, I think China knows the damage economic sanctions from all the world's developed economies would have. Perhaps that's why the Communist Party has been cracking down on civil liberties across the country lately. However, China hasn't militarily forced the annexation of any land territory since Tibet and I don't think they're eager to do that again - especially after seeing how the Ukrainians humiliated the Russian Army. Had that invasion gone well, I do think China may have used the ensuing chaos as an opportunity to invade Taiwan. Instead, I think they're content gathering information from Russia about the capabilities of the western weapon systems that would likely be deployed in Taiwan to resist a Chinese invasion.

QUESTION: Do you think the US would or should defend Taiwan?

KEVIN TRACY: Would defend? It depends on whose President and who controls Congress. Here's the deal. For US troops to actively participate in the war, I think Congress would have to pass a Declaration of War. Right now, I don't think Biden wants anything to do with it, so even if there was support in Congress for Taiwan, Biden isn't going to push the issue. Likewise, if a hawkish Republican is in office, I think Democrats would fail to rally behind the President for fear of making him into an unbeatable wartime President. I think the only way we go to war to defend Taiwan is if there's a global war with an allied Russia, Iran, and China adversary where Europe needs our support, a Republican President has a Republican Congress, or if there's a hawkish Democrat President. Right now, none of those conditions are met and that's quite unfortunate for Taiwan. I think a lot of people in Washington would like to help Taiwan resist China just like we're helping Ukraine resist Russia. The difference is that Ukraine shares a border with NATO where supplies and weapons can be brought in pretty easily. Taiwan, meanwhile, is an island off the Chinese coast. If China invades, you can expect the invasion to come as a surprise naval blockade. With hypersonic missiles and a rapidly growing navy, getting supplies to Taiwan without violently breaking through the blockade is going to be impossible.

Do I think we should protect Taiwan? Absolutely, and I hope our pacific rim allies would help. I do believe we have an obligation to prevent the rolling back of freedom around the world and as long as Taiwan is willing to defend itself, we should endeavor to fight alongside them.

QUESTION: Should the United States recognize Taiwan's independence?

KEVIN TRACY: I think so. There's admittedly a part of me that wants to recognize Taiwan's government as the legitimate government of all China. However, I think we all know that's totally unrealistic at this point. Even if there were a revolution in China today and the country became a Democratic Republic or installed a democratically elected parliament, Taiwan would remain it's own thing. China will complain about it and probably use it as an excuse for more posturing, but if we're willing to defend Taiwan for a couple years after recognizing their independence, and if enough other countries recognize their independence, I can't imagine it being a justification for a Chinese invasion if state visits from across the world haven't resulted in anything yet.

QUESTION: Did you see the reports that Governor DeSantis is trashing Trump behind closed doors? What do you make of it?

KEVIN TRACY: I did see what the former staffer said and it's not terribly surprising. Donald Trump is kind of a moron and he doesn't have any place running for office, even though he is a pretty good executive and I'd vote for him in 2024 if he won the nomination. I just really hope he doesn't. Look, there are very few Republican politicians who actually respect everything about Donald Trump. The guy is a walking PR disaster creating problem after problem for himself and conservatives across the country. His conservative victories are shadowed by the enormity of his ego and the cult of personality he's developed. True conservatives like myself who care about the philosophy and ideology of the movement don't like that he's taking attention from the issues; and true politicians who care about themselves and their accomplishments don't like that he's taking attention away from themselves. I think Ron DeSantis is in the later category, but I'd still vote for him in 2024.

QUESTION: Are you voting for Jennifer-Ruth Green in Indiana's first congressional district?

KEVIN TRACY: Hell yeah! Whether she wins or loses, Jennifer-Ruth Green has at least made D1 competitive for the first time in like 92 years. The fact that she's a pro-life Air Force veteran only makes voting for her that much sweeter. I really hope she wins, but just making Deomcrats waste millions of dollars here instead of in other races across the country when they're trying to keep the House and Senate feels really good.

QUESTION: Are you worried about the fallout down ballot if Democrats come out in force to stop Green, similar to what happened in 2012 with Joel Phelps?

KEVIN TRACY: Not really. According to local polling, it looks like Jennifer-Ruth Green is making this race competitive with the help of union workers who are fed up with Biden and Frank MrVan and who were particularly fond of Donald Trump. In 2012, the Democrats unleashed the unions to really punish Joel Phelps and it wrecked the GOP down the ticket in D1. Without the solidarity for Democrats among union workers, the Democrats aren't able to leverage the unions like they did in 2012. I think it also helps that this isn't a Presidential year.

QUESTION: Do you think she'll win?

KEVIN TRACY: No, there's too much corruption in Lake County. Even if the final vote is close, the Democrats will find a way to stuff the ballot boxes before they're taken to Crown Point. However, I also thought Donald Trump was going to get wrecked in 2016 and I was laughing maniacally in a hotel room in Alabama when he was declared the winner. I love being wrong, and it does happen.

QUESTION: Did beat the August traffic numbers in September?

KEVIN TRACY: Yes! We did! Granted, the numbers aren't completely in yet. For some reason, it seems like the results don't fully tabulate until 24 hours after the end of the day, but it looks like we surpassed the August numbers on either September 28th or 29th.

QUESTION: I really enjoy the traffic statistics. It's exciting that you share them so we can see a website grow. Do you plan on releasing the numbers for August?

KEVIN TRACY: Yes! I'm actually surprised by how much traffic those reports generate. Like I just said, the numbers seem to be delayed about 24 hours. As a result, we usually plug the numbers in late on the second of the month and have our analysis ready that evening or the next morning. Sometimes if we find really interesting developments, we hold off on publishing the numbers until we can confirm that everything is correct. I didn't see anything that would warrant a delay this month, though.

QUESTION: Do you think Halloween is evil and un-Christian?

KEVIN TRACY: I think how some people celebrate Halloween is un-Christian for sure. All Hallows' Eve is a great holiday and I think we should endeavor as Christians to find ways to reclaim the Holy Day for Christ.

QUESTION: It's Saturday morning! What plans do you have for the weekend since Notre Dame has a bye?

KEVIN TRACY: Great last question. Katie and I have a dance lesson I have to start getting ready for. Then I think I'm going to my parents' house to help them with some yard work. Then Holy Mass and a yard mowing on Sunday.

RACHEL DELONGE: Thank you, Kevin. And thank you for your questions! We look forward to doing this again next month!