Kevin Tracy
Liz Cheney Proves Why She's Wrong For Wyoming (and the 2024 GOP Nomination)
Soon-to-be former US Representative Liz Cheney initially won her seat in the House of Representatives with the weight of her father's name (former Secretary of State and Vice President Dick Cheney). Like her father, Liz Cheney espoused a fiscally and socially conservative domestic policy with hawkish views on foreign policy. That's the formula that led to Dick Cheney securing Wyoming's only House seat from 1979 until 1989. However, like many neoconservatives, Liz Cheney's conviction to the cause is questionable at best.
When Trump was President, Liz Cheney was a remarkably reliable vote for the egomaniac until Jan 6, 2021. Whether it was because Liz Cheney was legitimately fearful for her life and wanted revenge or, as I think was more likely, Liz Cheney wanted to eliminate Donald Trump as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election; the Representative from Wyoming made absolutely everything about her personal beef with Donald Trump. Yes, Donald Trump started it, but after four years of a Trump White House and another two of him campaigning for President, everybody with half a brain in the Republican Party knows that to win a fight with Donald Trump, you ignore Donald Trump. Liz Cheney wouldn't do that.
Like many Democrats with "Trump Derangement Syndrome", Liz Cheney is willing to do anything and everything she can just to hurt Donald Trump. It's so bad, Liz Cheney has even declared she would campaign for Democrats if their Republican opponents questioned the results of the 2020 election or supported Donald Trump.
Look, I've had my beefs with Republican presidential candidates before. John McCain and Mitt Romney were, in my opinion, completely unqualified to be the leader of a conservative political party and the lack of strong support they received from the GOP proved that. However, I never even considered taking things to the level of Liz Cheney where anyone who supported either of those candidates were to be actively campaigned against. Ronald Reagan famously said, "The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is a friend and an ally - not a 20 percent traitor.

Most of these candidates Liz Cheney wants to campaign against agree with her far more than 80% of the time. However, she's letting a personal grudge come before what's best for the country according to her (and my) conservative ideology.
Part of the problem is that Liz Cheney's upbringing riding her dad's coattails prevented her from having to develop the thick skin needed to participate in electoral politics as a candidate and leader. Now that Liz Cheney's career in Wyoming politics is over, her presidential ambitions a joke, and her name tarnished in conservative political circles across the country; Liz Cheney has a future only in the Democratic Party as a fundraiser, speaker, and maybe as a co-host of a daytime talk show on MSNBC. If she goes down the path of the egomaniac, she'll be just like Charlie Crist, the former Republican Governor of Florida and now a perpetual Democrat candidate trying anything to get a scrap of his former power. As Senator and later Chancellor Palpatine once famously said a long time ago: "All who gain power are afraid to lose it."

I do hope she ultimately gets over this grudge, puts her ego aside, and is content just donating to conservative causes and candidates without a Trump litmus test.