Kevin Tracy


Kevin Tracy on the September 2022 Changes to

KEVIN TRACY: Thank you everyone for coming. As you may have noticed, there have been some changes to the website.

On September 2nd, we adopted a new layout for headlines on the main page. Every headline and link is now in a color coded block. The color coding will help readers quickly determine the content of the post. Red is for our political posts. Gray will be for web development and website news, such as the transcript from this press conference. The blocks will display in-line on screens wide enough to support multiple blocks. On smaller devices, they will appear in a single column. This will make the list of news articles on the main page longer on mobile devices, but they will also be much easier to read and sort. I hope everyone provides feedback on this new format.

Later, on September 5th, I instructed Carl and our I.T. team to make the splash image on the main page, currently featuring Vladimir Putin crying about losing every thumb war he has ever declared against me, a responsive image. In other words, I don't want that image to cause the text elsewhere on the page to appear smaller than it should on mobile devices.

Finally, starting around 10pm last night and until around 2am, I worked alone to correct the issues we've been having since last year with the sidebars. I made note of this last year, but this iteration of was designed to have both a right and left sidebar. However, we launched with code that only supported a left sidebar, even though space was reserved for a right sidebar, and was not mobile friendly. With the new code I wrote last night, the sidebars not only both appear on widescreen devices, but both sidebars drop below the content on mobile devices.

I'm particularly excited about this as has gotten one step closer to becoming mobile friendly, biggest SEO disadvantage.

Additionally, I've begun converting all CSS-defined font sizes to em units.

There is still a good amount of work to do, but I'm extremely pleased with where we are today. Later this month, probably soon, I plan on moving "Epic Quotes" to the right sidebar. The right sidebar will eventually feature all kinds of variable data, including photos, some Fitbit data, and hopefully some fun ways to make the YouTube and Twitch channels a little more interactive. However, the sidebar probably won't be complete until next year after the wedding.

With that, I'll open the floor to questions. Go ahead, Mark.

QUESTION: When should we be expecting the August 2022 Traffic Report? (UPDATE: Click the link - the report is done!)

KEVIN TRACY: To be honest, we've been so busy updating the website code, we haven't had time to put it together. I did look at the data and it appears as though traffic slowed a bit in August. However, considering I took a week and a half off to stream Semp's Retirement Poster, that's not terribly surprising. August was also the first full month of us pushing everything to HTTPS with the htaccess file, so there may have been some over-reporting in the June and July reports.

QUESTION: Are you nervous at all about the decline in traffic?

KEVIN TRACY: You always worry a little bit about it, but there are explanations for what happened. Additionally, Carl and the entire IT team, and myself, are always looking for ways to make more SEO friendly. We can't always implement this as quickly as we'd like, but we're doing the right things. The changes I talked about today are great examples of making the site more mobile friendly and hopefully getting a little more SEO credit.

QUESTION: Are you going to retrofit the old links to the new block system?

KEVIN TRACY: As of right now, no. That's a significant amount of work and it won't be as easy as a find and replace. Plus, I'm not even certain this block system is going to work long term. I want to get feedback from my fans and that may lead to changes. The more blocks I create, the more difficult it will be to implement those changes.

QUESTION: When do you plan to have the design finalized?

KEVIN TRACY: The design of is never finalized. I stress that to my team all the time. We're always improving. However, I hope to have the blocks finalized for the remainder of 2022 by mid-October. Then in December, we'll evaluate what changes we want to make starting in 2023. Those changes should stay in effect until 2024, and we'll evaluate each new year. Hopefully, this will result in a similar headline style in the Archives for each year with 2022 being the exception since we started with the list.

Thank you for the questions. Keep an eye on for when those website statistics drop for August.