Kevin Tracy


The DOJ Needs To Charge Trump Before November

The news hit a couple days ago that the Department of Justice is unlikely to charge former-President Donald Trump before the 2022 November election. This is completely outrageous and Republicans (and anyone else who cares about the Democratic nature of our Republic) should be hopping mad.

Bruce Ledewitz left a commentary in the Pennsylvania Capital Star with his assessment that Trump isn't going to jail, and that's good news for Democrats. Ledewitz comes to this conclusion for a very different reason than we at, however. Ledewitz believes that putting a political leader like Trump in prison for a crime Hillary Clinton was caught committing in 2016.

There is certainly some truth in Ledewitz's assessment, but that's not why we're concerned. The Republican Party is at a massive crossroads with how we present our message and what our platform looks like. The centerpiece to what direction we go as a party depends entirely on whether or not we reject Donald Trump and his extremely divisive politics.

Across the country, there are dozens of "MAGA" candidates that were picked by Republicans who were completely unaware that Trump may have been guilty of a serious crime involving our national secrets. Now, just like the Russia hoax investigation by the Democrat-controlled Congress during the 2018 mid-term elections, we're heading into yet another mid-term election with allegations about Donald Trump flying around.

While the allegations following the Mar A Lago raid certainly seem legitimate and quite disturbing, the allegations concerning the Russia hoax seemed just as legitimate. Democrats have cried falsely cried wolf far too frequently for any of us to take their word for it going into an election. A jury deserves to see the evidence, make a decision, and let the American people make informed decisions in the 2022 election. Instead, because the DOJ is playing politics, the American people are going to be bombarded with rumors and allegations that are just as likely to be true as they are to be completely ridiculous.

If the DOJ ultimately does not bring charges, they're going to act like they are on the verge of doing it for as long as Donald Trump is a 2024 Presidential Candidate.

If the DOJ does bring charges after the 2022 election, the legal delays the Trump team will employ will likely extend the trial past the 2024 Republican Presidential Primaries. If he's ultimately found guilty after winning the Republican nomination, the DOJ will have created an enormous constitutional crisis.

Either way, waiting until the election to file charges is completely outrageous and insanely dangerous. If Trump is found guilty and made ineligible for a second, non-consecutive term as President, Republicans need to know this before the Primary. If Trump becomes the nominee and is made ineligible by a Democrat-controlled DOJ, the events of January 6, 2017 will seem mild in comparison to what's to come.

Trump certainly appears guilty, but the double standard compared to Hillary Clinton combined with the obvious political timing by Biden's DOJ, it's difficult to make this look like anything but a political witch hunt. Given the Democrats' recent history of political witch hunts and abuse of the legal system, it's difficult to have faith in what's happening now.