Kevin J. Tracy
AUGUST 3, 2022
WB & DC Cancel Release of "Irredeemable" $70 Million 'Batgirl' Film After Test Screening

Warner Brothers & DC Comics have spent $70 Million on a mostly completed 'Batgirl' film. That film was shown at test screenings and did so extremely poorly that 'Batgirl' was called "irredeemable" and canceled outright. The completed film won't go to theaters, it won't go exclusively to a streaming service, and it won't even go direct-to-video and sit in a discount bin at Walmart. 'Batgirl' is so bad that DC thought it would permanently damage the brand. Consider for a moment how terribly films like Justice League were received and all the resources Warner Brothers and DC poured into them. How much worse must have Batgirl been?
It's worth remembering that the CW canceled the DC "Arrowverse" television show 'Batwoman' after three utterly unwatchable "woke" seasons that went from poorly received to not received at almost everyone not directly involved in making the series stopped watching. All indications are that 'Batgirl' had made the same "woke" mistakes, putting an emphasis on representing target demographics and pushing agendas before good writing and story telling.
Even with no advertising, the film could have still been licenced to a streaming service, but DC feared 'Batgirl' was so bad that it would hurt future feature films released by the brand. That damage would cost DC more than they could recover through any streaming licensing deal and minimal merchandise deals they could make. In other words, DC is choosing to lose $70 million by canceling a completed film because releasing it would cause such devastating brand damage that $70 million is tolerable.
I haven't really cared much about anything DC has done aside from the first season of "The Flash" on the CW , the Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan Batman films, 'Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders', and 'Batman vs. Two-Face'. Still, even I would have a hard time canceling a completed DC film that cost $70 million to make.
As many people have been saying for a while now, "Get Woke, Go Broke."