Kevin J. Tracy
AUGUST 2, 2022
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan with USS Ronald Reagan Offshore

Despite President Biden's apparent objections, the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has landed in Taipei, capital city of Taiwan. The communist Chinese government; which punishes faith and reason with slave labor and death; is in a rage after threatening to shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane last week to deter her visit.
Speaker Pelosi is the first Speaker of the House to visit Taiwan since Newt Gingrich in 1997 (25 years prior). Newt Gingrich had already downplayed Chinese threats towards Nancy Pelosi and Taiwan, but just in case, the USS Ronald Reagan and its compliment of brand new and stupid expensive F-35B fighter planes are in the South China Sea and prepared just in case cooler heads don't ultimately prevail in Beijing.
We expect China to conduct military exercises staging an invasion of Taiwan and probably encroaching in Taiwanese airspace and secretly hoping Taiwan fires the first shot to justify their invasion and turn political opinion against Taipei. In the event of a conflict, the White House has stated that it would provide weapons to Taiwan. However, it's difficult to see how the US would do this without entering the conflict. 40 years ago, China may not have been able to blockade the entire island. However, the Chinese Navy has been quickly building its force projection capabilities and blockading Taiwan is no longer a difficult task. If China shoots down an American plane or sinks and American vessel carrying weapons or supplies to Taiwan, the United States would be involved in a war with China. Deterrence, such as the USS Ronald Reagan, is the best way to protect Taiwan from the evil communist Empire across the Strait and ensure American forces are in the best strategic position possible to fight with as few casualties as possible.
We don't agree with Nancy Pelosi on much, but we said she deserves major kudos and she does for taking a stand for human rights, Taiwanese freedom, and against the slaver state of China.