The Philosopher Khagan Kevin J. Tracy


Supreme Court Needed To Rule That Football Coaches Can Pray

Former Bremerton High School head football coach Joe Kennedy was fired in 2015. His offense? He wasn't spying on his kids through the webcams on their laptops; which is seemingly encouraged in some progressive state public schools. His offense was praying at midfield after the game.

He didn't force his players to pray with them. He didn't announce, "It's prayer time!" He just prayed mid-field and some of his student athletes would join him. From 2008 through 2014, the school administrators had no problem with Coach Kennedy's prayer. It wasn't until September 2015 that someone progressive jerk decided that their were wildly offended by a Christian practicing their faith in public and complained; and because Bremerton High School is located on the "Left Coast" it fell under the jurisdiction of the most progressive, anti-religious federal courts in the country. Coach Joe Kennedy's case was lost in the lower courts, but his team kept fighting because they knew the importance of this case.

Thankfully, these progressive federal courts are also the most overturned courts in the land and, today, the Supreme Court added Coach Kennedy's case to that long list of overturned decisions from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

THE BOTTOM LINE: No matter who you are, where you are, or what your job is; YOU ARE ALWAYS BE FREE TO PRAY!