Chip Saltsman Doubling Your Donations to Brian Donegan

Chip Saltsman is really one of my favorite people in the world (not only is he a brilliant conservative mind, but he's a fellow 6-footer at 6'4"), and as the title suggests, he's matching everyone's donations in today's Money Bomb for the Can-Do Conservatives. That means if you donate $10, the Can-Do Conservatives organization is taking in $20. And if you're awesome enough to donate $100, Chip will match your donation and Brian's group will have $200 to continue sharing Brian's insane passion and inspire us all in the process.
a href="">Please, click here and make a donation to Brian Donegan's Can-Do Conservatives before the end of the night!
A special thank you to Chip Saltsman for not just recognizing just how special Brian and his work are, but going above and beyond to make this money bomb and Brian Donegan an enormous conservative success story.