NRSC Screws Up Again: Charlie Crist Leaving GOP to Run as Independent

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is expected to announce that he's leaving the Republican Party to run for US Senate as an independent. Although he was once heavily favored to win the GOP Nomination for US Senate, his support for President Obama's stimulus package that resulted in the two men hugging on stage has destroyed his chances of winning the Republican nomination. Currently, Rubio's lead over Crist has been over 30% in several polls. We've said from day one that Charlie Crist was a RINO, so this really shouldn't come as a surprise.
It's difficult to say what effect this will have on the overall Florida Senate Race. At the very least, Marco Rubio will be guaranteed the Republican Nomination shy of any colossal screw ups between now and the August 24th Primary. Crist likely understands that he has just as much appeal to Democrats as Republicans, and possibly even more. With this being a good year for not just Republicans but for conservatives in particular, Crist may end up stealing more votes from Florida's Democratic Nominee, likely Representative Kendrick Meek than from Rubio. Although some moderate Republicans may vote for Crist, the hopefully overwhelming turnout of conservative voters will compensate for defectors. Fewer than 1 in 3 Republicans are supporting Crist according to most recent polls.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), which endorsed Crist more than a year before the primary, is finally taking a little bit of responsibility for their irresponsible decision by reportedly telling Crist to drop out of the primary and not run as an independent. Granted, they didn't admit that they made a mistake, because that's just not what career politicians do. But at least they're showing the first signs of taking responsibility for their faulty, corrupt actions. Truth be told, I still believe their interests are selfish. If Crist leaves the party to run as an independent, it's going to be yet another black eye in the legacy of the NRSC supporting liberals with the (R) after their names. The NRSC has rallied behind pro-abortion Republicans and has given mind boggling amounts of cash to Democratic Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.
Like too many people and organizations in Washington, D.C., the NRSC has continuously put politics and greed before issues and principle. Part of me hopes Crist becomes an independent and runs just so we can highlight the hypocrisies of the group and begin the process of reforming the dirty, underhanded ways it does business.
As for Charlie Crist's political future? Shy of any unforeseen screw ups by conservatives, it's pretty bleak. If he runs as an independent, he won't be able to take enough votes away from Rubio and Meek to beat either of them in the General Election. On top of that, Crist's one advantage in this entire process has been the favors people owed him in the Florida GOP establishment. If he leaves the party, nobody would dare give him the time of day. Crist's fundraising infrastructure ought be torn to shreds and his message would therefore be completely drowned out in the ongoing debate between Rubio and Meek. If he pulls out of the primary, I'm sure Fox News or CNN would be willing to offer him a position as a political pundit.
Either way, it's a victory for the silent majority of conservatives in both Florida and this country (because Rubio is going to make a great Senator - and hopefully President someday). Plus, I would be lying if I said that I don't rejoice a little bit when career politicians and special interests are wrong when they attempt to pick winners and losers for their own selfish purposes. Only in America... God, I love this country.