Rudy Giuliani to Charlie Crist: Go F*ck Yourself

Okay, Rudy Giuliani didn't actually say that, but you're reading aren't you? That's a good title right there.
Seriously though, Former-Mayor and Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani is getting his revenge against Charlie Crist who backed out of his endorsement at the last minute to support John McCain in the Florida Primary. Crist's betrayal of Rudy Giuliani was the final nail in the coffin of his 2008 Presidential aspirations. Well, Rudy knows how to hold a grudge and he's back in Florida... campaigning for Marco Rubio.
Granted, Rudy Giuliani isn't the most conservative Republican in the history of the GOP. But Rubio didn't endorse him, Crist did. It just so happened that Giuliani is now supporting Rubio and, because of Giuliani's service to this country in the aftermath of 9/11, he's a great somebody to have campaigning for you.
I guess this just goes to prove that what goes around, comes around. Charlie Crist appears to be learning this the hard way, as yet another nail is placed in his political coffin.
If you're in Florida and would like to attend this free, public rally, here's what you need to know:
Monday, April 5, 2010 Rudy Giuliani to campaign with Marco Rubio. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. EDT Renaissance at the Gables 2340 SW 32nd Avenue Miami, FL 33145