Debra Medina's Support of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Is The Dumbest Thing I've Heard This Year (So Far)

There's a tough primary taking place in Indiana's 9th Congressional District, but the candidate who lost the seat in the national 2006 massacre, Mike Sodrel, just landed an enormous endorsement that could permanently shift the tide of the primary in his favor. That's right, Indiana's own Mike Pence came out in support of his former colleague in the House of Representatives, boosting his chances of becoming Indiana's Comeback Congressman. While we haven't endorsed anyone in this race or any other race yet, I would be lying if I said that I didn't like Mike Sodrel. Not as a politician - as an ordinary guy. He's the kind of person you just want to be around. Coincidentally, that's what makes him a good public servant.
This was from a campaign e-mail blast tonight:
To a packed room full of supporters young, old, and in between, Congressman Mike Pence endorsed Mike Sodrel in the Ninth District U.S. Congressional Campaign at the Clark County Republican Headquarters on Saturday. In front of the backdrop of a new campaign logo and in front of supporters waving signs "Mike Pence. Mike Sodrel. 2010," Pence enthusiastically put his full support behind Mike Sodrel and the Sodrel family citing them as not only friends but a family "standing in the gap" for citizens whose voices aren't being heard on Capitol Hill.
The topic of focus at the press conference was not only Mike Pence's endorsement but what this election means for the nation. Mike Pence said, "The cliché in politics is that 'this is the most important election in our lifetime.' This isn't the most important election in our lifetime. I think this is one of the most important elections in the life of this nation."
Congressman Pence said he supported Mike Sodrel "before it was cool." Sodrel and Pence shook hands at the press conference and were off to a luncheon at The Grand in New Albany.
At the Grand, Mike Sodrel introduced Congressman Pence but before doing so, recognized that Congressman Pence wouldn't endorse him just on the basis of their friendship. "If he didn't think I were good for this country, if he didn't think I were good for the economy, for his children and his grandchildren, he wouldn't have endorsed me. That's why his endorsement is so important."
Pence delivered a signature knockout speech to a room full of Sodrel supporters who were at the luncheon. Pence's first words were "Mike Sodrel is going to be the next congressman from this Congressional District," and the audience erupted with a resounding applause. While Pence recognized the Sodrel family for rising up for "Rocky V," the point of his speech was to challenge Americans hungry for freedom, traditional values, and individual responsibility that their duty was to "rise up." The Sodrels cannot win this election with "all the money in the world and all the tea in China" on their own. The Sodrels need Ninth Congressional District residents to "rise up" and do everything in their power to get them elected to make the next century an "American century built on American ideals and freedom. This is our calling. Now is the time. Let your voice be heard" Pence compellingly said.
Pence's endorsement definitely pulls sway toward Mike Sodrel's campaign in the four-way race for the Republican nomination to face Baron Hill in November. Congressman Pence's job, as the third ranking Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, is to get fellow conservative Republicans elected to the House. The Pence endorsement was fully welcomed by the Sodrel campaign and comes as an important turning point in the acceleration of a campaign that is promising to be different this year.