
Welcome to the Hard Part, Mr. President

So far, President Obama has had a relatively easy ride. Conservatives that have been critical of the man have either been critical about the wrong things half the time (look, he's not a damn Muslim, all right!) or have looked like sour grapes because of the humongous loss that Republicans took. The left have done all but sell perfume that smells like Obama's musk and have repeatedly kissed his rear end over...and over...and over. Now, with the latest example of Obama's (weak) attempt to show some kind of center movement, both sides have lobbed grenades.

His administration has proposed a spending freeze:

"- Freeze discretionary spending on non-security-related programs and government agencies whose budgets are set annually by Congress. Affected programs could include subsidies for farmers, child nutrition, and national parks.

- Exempt from the freeze would be budgets for federal entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, as well as the budgets for the Pentagon, the Veterans Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and foreign aid.

The administration claims this will save the country $250 billion over the next decade, or about 3% of the $9 trillion deficits the U.S. is expected to accumulate over that period."(AP)

The right?

"Conservatives have mocked the freeze as not doing nearly enough to get to the root of the country's economic problems. The right-leaning blog RedState.com chided the effort, saying that it would have "virtually no impact on the financial standing of the United States of America." On her Twitter page, right-wing commentator Michelle Malkin compared the freeze to "promising to slow down from 250 mph to 249.9." House Minority Leader John Boehner likened the plan to "announcing you're going on a diet after winning a pie-eating contest."'(AP)

My opinion? I appreciate the thought, to a degree, and see what he's trying to do...but it's too little, too late. Three percent savings...over a decade. Obama could just quite smoking and save more money than that over that period of time (yeah, I know, I've only been an ex-smoker for less than a month now and I'm going after smokers...sue me). If he were to be serious about saving, he would work towards reform of entitlement programs. THAT'S where the money goes. Entitlement programs eat up almost half of our budget EVERY YEAR. A step in the right direction, sure...but not a big enough of one for me to start using the words "moderate" and "Obama" in the same sentence.

How about the left? How are those socialist, tree hugging, nut job, pacifist, money spending, tax increasing, idiots taking this (I know, I know, I'm sounding bitterly partisan here, but I'm having some fun darn it!)?

"Liberals aren't happy either, arguing that less government spending will slow economic growth, and that cutting government services will harm those in need. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman labeled the freeze"a betrayal of everything Obama's supporters thought they were working for." Kevin Drum of Mother Jones echoed those sentiments, writing that "the liberal base has yet another reason to be disgusted with Obama." MSNBC host Rachel Maddow went even further, saying that the "counterintuitive" plan is a "completely insane" one that violates the basic principles taught in any "101 level college econ class."'(AP)

First of all, I'd like to know just what Economics 101 books Maddow is reading, and then question whether or not she can actually read, or if perhaps she's retarded? I've read through a BOAT LOAD of Economics 101 books, as well as Macro-economics and Public Finance books (side note-have yet to take college courses in these subjects, those were the books I read for fun...yeah, I'm that much of a nerd) and have not found ANYTHING suggesting what Maddow is suggesting. In fact, it has all been EXACTLY. THE. OPPOSITE.

Maddow aside, it will be entertaining to scan through the liberal blogs to read all of the left wing whining about how "their guy is betraying them". After all, I'm sure they all got a good kick out of reading the same stuff regarding amnesty, bail outs, stimulus bills, "No Child Left Behind", etc. etc.

The point of this post (besides me being in one of those rare moods where I'm enjoying writing things that are going to piss off half the readers) is that Obama isn't halfway through his first term, and he's already done a good job of alienating both sides. He makes a weak attempt to appear centrist and the right laughs, while the left sees this tiny little step in the direction of sanity and immediately all Hell breaks loose. This is actually rather uncharacteristic of liberals. They don't usually eat their own like this. Usually this is one spot that I credit liberals: that they do a good job of not having any scruples or solid values so that no matter what they all march lock step.

Can the President take (OH MY GAWD!)...criticism?! Diane Sawyer actually asked him some good questions the other night, and he all but bit her head off. As my title says, welcome to the hard part, Mr. President. Can you make a GENUINE reach towards the middle, or will you whimper back to the left for the lavish praise you so adore?Regardless of his decision, this shows another thing: the man is mortal. He's a political genius, that can't be said enough, but this was one of those decisions that have backfired like Elmer Fudd's double barrel shotgun. Only instead of a "waskaly wabbitt", it's the 500 lb. elephant in the room.