Office of Senior Class Representative Kevin Tracy
Class Representative Kevin Tracy

For Immediate Release
Date: 01-12-19

CLASS REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: Good Evening. I'm here at this odd hour to talk about the S.A.F.E. trial that still hasn't happened.  Tomorrow, Minister Morgan will announce the details of this, but the reason the trial hasn't happened is that I planned on getting a fair trial done in accordance to constitutional processes.

Instead, I have had more rights infringed upon than I would have had if these environmentalist wackos were just mere Socialists.  Minister Morgan will go over this in detail about the constitutional rights that were being ignored by the court.

This proves, more than anything, that liberals, no matter if they call themselves Socialists, Environmentalists, Dirty Whores, Democrats, Communists, Hippies, leftist, or whatever else you can think of, are only here to make their own oppressive desires reality and will never actually look at the text of the laws that govern them.

I decided I'll be needing more lawyers to help defend me, it looks like I'll need all the help I can get.  Paul Kamber and Tim Rohe have both volunteered their services to me, and I'm very grateful for that. Paul and Tim are two of my good friends in S.A.F.E. and both tend to lean to the conservative side of things.

I can assure you, this up hill battle I talked about on the 2nd is turning into a up Mt. Everest battle. We aren't going to back down though, we are going to plant a flag at the top of this mountain and on that flag will be a Republican Elephant with the words "WE WON!"

Q: Really quick, we're all tired, when is the trial going to be.

CLASS REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: Important question.  Probably whenever they decide to follow due processes and give me a fair trial.

Q: By fair, you mean a non Socialists, Environmentalists, Dirty Whores, Democrats, Communists, Hippies, leftist, or whatever else you can think of trial?


CLASS REPRESENTATIVE TRACY: I think I'm beginning to rub off on you, *laughter* but yes, that's what I mean by fair.  A U.S. Constitutional trial by jury.

Thanks, good night.