Office of the Representative
Representative Kevin Tracy

For Immediate Release
Date: 2001-09-02

The following is a list of after school activities Kevin is planning on taking part in.  No guarantees, Kevin may be busy with some other non -school related activity.  Kevin plans to be confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church on Easter and that means there may be schedule conflicts.

S.A.F.E. - Student Action For the Environment
     This will be the last year for the program, Kevin is happy glad to be part of the end of it, and already spoke with teacher sponsor Mr. Schaudt about writing the web site one last time along with the help of Junior, friend, and fellow S.A.F.E. Republican Paul Kamber.

Student Council
      Kevin was obviously elected to be a Class Representative and his duties here come before all other activities.  Kevin is already in charge of designing T-shirts for the council. We'll see how those turn out.

Chess Club
      This gives Kevin something to do Mondays after school with a good number of friends he doesn't normally see in other activities.  Kevin along with Josh Michaels and Paul Kamber are planning several big events to make it more fun than it should be.  Run by Mr. Deruntz, this program has one of the best atmospheres to be in, especially after a Monday coming back from the weekend.  (First Meeting: September 10th)

German Club
      Though German III was not available to Kevin due to schedule conflicts, Kevin still has a foreign language loyalty to German.  Luckily, he was placed in Frau Bartels' SRT and will be kept alert of any updates, meetings, and trips.

Business Professionals of America
      This is something new Kevin decided to try this year because the Computer Club was canceled my Mrs. Gierkie so she could focus on this and her new responsibilities given to her by the school.  Kevin sees this as being beneficial to him in his future, plus he will be with his friends proving to other schools that we are better than them in this area too.

      This is something Kevin has wanted to be a part of since Freshman year but schedule conflicts wouldn't allow it. Though only a novice, Kevin is happy to just get into the program before graduation.