Kevin Tracy NOW!
(Summer 2024 Edition)
According to (a website dedicated to proliferating the presence of "now" pages on personal websites across the net):A website with a link that says “now” goes to a page that tells you what this person is focused on at this point in their life. For short, we call it a “now page”.
Now Professionally
I'm about to start a new job that I'm super excited about!
Now Creatively
I am creating two hand made, hand written Bible manuscripts: one in English and one in Latin.
I'm live streaming much of the process on my Twitch channel.

Now Spiritually
I'm a pretty lousy servant of Christ. I need to do better by praying more (including a scriptural Rosary every day) and seeing Jesus in those around me.
Now At The KTracy Palace
I built a home server! Our entire movie collection is uploaded and we can stream it on any TV in the house! Now I want to get our TV show collection uploaded.
I'm working on fixing up the garage into a functioning workshop. This past spring, I painted the garage and put up French cleats.
With the basement organized, I want to rough in walls so I can install a half bathroom, home theater, and a home office.
Now on
Here's what I have baking in the oven:
- My wife doesn't like that I use my real name, so I'm thinking about a rebrand...
- A weekly podcast.
- More frequent videos and livestreams, especially for the Double Bible Project.
- This will be very consuming, so I need a better name than "Double Bible Project"